Best Practices for Winter Storage

Protect your equipment during the cold months to avoid downtime in the spring.
Engine & Batteries
Run the engine after replacing the oil
The oil creates a film that coats the internal parts, protecting them against rust. After changing the oil, run the engine so the oil can coat all necessary parts. Also, pour a 50/50 mix of water and antifreeze into the coolant system to protect it to temperatures to -34o F.
Start the machine once a month
When the temperature is above freezing, start the machine and wait for the engine to reach operating temperature.
Charge and clean batteries
Store batteries with the power leads disconnected. Never store a discharged battery. Don't worry about power drainage, the colder temperatures will slow its discharge rate.
Fuel Tanks
Keep fuel tanks full
Condensation in your equipment's fuel tanks can lead to rust and also clog fuel lines, filters, carburetors, and injectors. Fill up your fuel tanks so there's no space for condensation to form. Draining the fuel tank also eliminates the possibility of condensation, but requires more times and effort.
Drain settled water
With low sulfur diesel fuel, water may accumulate at the bottom of the tank. To avoid damage, drain any water and sediment before operating equipment and ten minutes after refueling.