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Key Personnel

John Pielli smiling in black button up shirt
Northern Illinois and Wisconsin Sales

John Pielli

Joe Magdaleno smiling in black polo shirt
Southwest Chicago Suburbs and Central Illinois Sales

Joe Magdaleno

Mike Cantieri smiling in blue polo shirt
Northern Indiana and Michigan Sales

Michael E. Cantieri

Joe Nikischer smiling in a grey zip up shirt
Service Crane and Mechanics Truck Sales Specialist

Joe W. Nikischer

Dale Yirsa smiling in a blue shirt
Product Support Parts and Service

Dale Yirsa

Moises Gama in black zip up shirt
Product Support Parts and Service

Moises Gama

Alfonso Reyes smiling in black zip up shirt
Product Support Parts and Service

Alfonso Reyes

Bobby Drazdik smiling in light blue collar shirt
Product Support Parts and Service

Bobby Drazdik

Laura Arias smiling in a blue sweater
Product Support Administration

Laura Arias